SHAPES IN THE SAND has had a long-standing partnership with the Powerful Owl Project, a cause that holds a special place in founder Alex's heart. Through this ongoing partnership, SHAPES IN THE SAND has been able to support the conservation efforts of the Powerful Owl Project, helping to ensure the survival of this iconic and endangered species.
When you purchase from our Neverland collection, you’ll be supporting this vital project. SHAPES IN THE SAND is donating $5 from every sale.
November 2024 Update
Powerful Owl fledglings should have all emerged from their hollows now. It is a challenging time for newly emerged young, so if you find a Powerful Owl fledgling (or any Powerful Owl) on the ground, please do not attempt to rescue it yourself (they have sharp talons), instead, please contact WIRES (1300 094 737) or Sydney Wildlife Rescue (9413 4300) immediately and then can send out a trained handler to help the bird. There have been quite a few come into care already this season.
I just recorded a webinar on things you can do in your garden for birds! The link is here
By Dr Holly Parsons - BirdLife Australia

The Powerful Owl Project is a part of BirdLife Australia’s Urban Bird Program and keeps a watchful eye over urban Powerful Owls. In Greater Sydney we follow more than 428 individual adult birds, keeping an eye on where their nest and roost trees are, whether they are breeding and what they are feeding on. To do all of that, we need a dedicated group of citizen scientists – they are our most important asset. Volunteers of all ages are engaged and trained to collect this ecological data. The project has grown from 40 known owl territories in 2011, to 214 this year. That is down to the hard work and countless hours put in by our volunteers (which have grown from 40 to over 600 in 9 years).
We are working hard to protect this amazing species. Providing advice to and informing local councils and other land managers on how they can protect the owls on their patch.
Photo Credit: Cathy Cook

The Powerful Owl
The Powerful Owl is Australia’s biggest owl, and one of our biggest nocturnal predators. Powerful Owls may be able to kill a possum in a single squeeze, but they can’t compete with the rapid clearing of their habitat. The recent loss of more than 30% of their habitat in the catastrophic bushfires along the east coast, means this species is in trouble.
Our urban spaces may be the saving grace for Powerful Owls. They can survive within cities and, in some cases, even breed in suburban backyards. The Greater Sydney region has the highest known density of Powerful Owls anywhere in Australia! 10% of the up to 8 000 strong NSW population lives there. But life in the city can be hard for Powerful Owls. They’re constantly losing habitat through urban sprawl and the removal of the big old trees they nest in. What few hollow bearing trees remain are hotly contested for by a range of wildlife and that isn’t to mention things like car strike (which kills 10-13% of them every year), and developing threats like rodenticide poisoning and inappropriate night lighting.
Photo Credit: Dave Robson & Cathy Cook